BNSSG Healthier Together

Neurodiversity Transformation Programme

What have we done so far?

The first phase of the Neurodiversity Transformation Programme has focused on understanding the challenges local families face and exploring possible solutions together.

The voices and experiences of local parent carers, children and young people are central to this work. We’ve engaged with people in a variety of ways – you can click on the links below to read more about activity to date.

Parent carers are also directly involved in the leadership of the programme. The three local Parent Carer Forums for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire jointly lead the programme with the local NHS Integrated Care Board. Together, we are working closely with a wide range of programme partners including health, care and education services, Healthwatch and local charities such as Barnardo’s.

Other pages in the Neurodiversity
Transformation Programme section:

Listening events, surveys and insight

Discovery conference: November 2023

Design conference: March 2024

We are now reviewing the ideas generated in this first phase of the programme, to create a shortlist for further development and testing in the second phase. We’ll publish updates on this work here, so make sure to bookmark this page and visit in the future.

We are also exploring measures to quickly improve support for children and families currently awaiting an assessment.