BNSSG Healthier Together

Fellows come together to consider the Importance of inclusivity in aiding collaboration


An update from the Innovate Healthier Together Programme.

The Innovate Healthier Together Fellowship recently hosted our second Discussion Group.

This insightful session, held on the 12 July 2024, brought together our dynamic Fellows to explore several themes essential for driving innovation in health and care.

The discussion centred on the importance of co-creation and collaboration over traditional top-down leadership models. By involving diverse perspectives and fostering a collaborative environment, we can unlock more innovative solutions. This approach was highlighted as crucial for creating a more inclusive and effective innovation process.

Another key theme was the necessity of feeling safe to disagree constructively. Innovation thrives in environments where individuals feel secure in expressing differing opinions and ideas. This culture of safety not only encourages critical thinking but also leads to more well-rounded solutions.

The group also delved into the challenges of attitudes toward risk and the responsibility for failure. Innovation inherently involves risk-taking, and the fear of failure can often be a significant barrier. The discussion outlined the importance of viewing failure as a learning opportunity, which is vital for fostering a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement.

Finally, we addressed the inaccessibility of the term ‘innovation’ itself. For many in health and care, ‘innovation’ can seem daunting or irrelevant. Linda Hill’s reframing of innovation as ‘new and useful’ resonated strongly with the group, providing a more relatable and practical understanding of the concept.

This Discussion Group is part of an exclusive series of activities designed to enhance innovation among the Innovate Healthier Together Fellows. We look forward to continuing these conversations and advancing our collective efforts to innovate within the health and care sector. Thank you to everyone who participated and contributed to making this session a success.

If you’re not yet an Innovate Healthier Together Fellow but would like to access future events, you can fill out our Fellowship Member registration form. Or, if you’d like to find out more about future activities, please email

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