BNSSG Healthier Together

Joint Forward Plan


Photograph of people at a stall at a NHS careers event.

Why it’s important

Enablers such as estates, workforce, digital capabilities, safeguarding and medicine optimisation are important within the NHS because they support the delivery of safe, effective, and efficient services, enhance patient experience and outcomes, and contribute to the overall resilience and sustainability of the health and care system. Investing in these areas is critical for addressing current and future health and care challenges and ensuring equitable access to high-quality care for local people.

Pharmacist stood at a counter, serving a customer

What we can do

Strategies and programmes have been put in place across our enabling functions to provide a foundation to deliver improvements to the health and care system. For example, the People Programme brings together local providers to work in collaboration to deliver an integrated approach to workforce planning, recruitment, retention and development. Our Digital Strategy is enabling us to work collaboratively and optimise design, data and modern technology to make ground-breaking improvements for the health and well-being of our population.

Over the coming years we will be looking to develop our strategies further, including the development of the Joint Infrastructure Strategy to enable and maintain infrastructure in our system that supports and enhances the delivery of services.

3 healthcare professionals walking down a hallway, smiling.

How we’ll measure progress

We have a wide range of targets across our enabling services, which we will measure to ensure progress.

This includes targets within medicine optimisation, such as measuring safe and appropriate antibiotic prescribing to help reduce antibiotic resistance, and measuring the number of people on the right cholesterol lowering medication.

In digital, we’ll track the number of frontline staff accessing shared care records through Connecting Care, and in our safeguarding services, we’ll track the timeliness of initial health assessments as we aim to carry out 90% within 20 days.

This page provides an overview. To read about our plans in detail, take a look at the full Joint Forward Plan 2024-2029.

Joint Forward Plan 2024-2029

Strategic Commitments

Align everything we do to the outcomes we want
Demonstrate our system-wide commitment to prevention
Focus on the first 1,001 days to give our children the best start
Change how we work to reduce health inequalities actively
Prioritise the health impacts of poverty and disadvantage
Build a workforce who are supported, skilled and healthy
Focus on the whole person – not just the disease
Work together as equal partners to tackle our biggest problems
Support the economy with our purchasing and employment practices
Develop a better, healthier environment for people to live in

Outcomes Framework

The healthy life expectancy of our population
The health and wellbeing of our population
The health of services
The health and wellbeing of our staff
The health and wellbeing of our communities
The health and wellbeing of our environment