Link Workers are independent support workers, based in our local hospitals. They can talk to you before you are discharged and make suggestions for your independence and wellbeing at home. Afterwards they can connect you to community organisations and agencies who can assist you.
Link Workers can help with:
- Discharge grants to help you settle at home
- Support with benefits
- New technology to help with daily living and keeping you safe
- Equipment and aids to help
Community transport - Local activities like walking, befriending and social outings
- Connecting you with special interest and faith groups with mobility
When you have arrived home, the Link Worker will call you and arrange a home visit if you would like one. This is an opportunity to see what else you might like or need once you’re back home.
Where are Link Workers based?
There are Link Workers based at Southmead Hospital. This service is provided by Age UK Bristol and Southern Brooks Community Partnerships.
Download the Link Workers service leafletNew Link Worker services are being set up in the Bristol Royal Infirmary and Weston General Hospital.
Do I need to pay?
You do not need to pay to access the Link Workers service.