BNSSG Healthier Together

System outcomes framework

Making the shift towards an outcomes-based Integrated Care System

A system outcomes framework is a way of measuring and communicating how we, as an Integrated Care System (ICS), are performing against the ICS aims. This framework is intended to be one of the guiding components for our ICS, uniting all partners with a measurable set of goals for our population.

Visit the NHS England website to learn more about Integrated Care Systems and their aims

An outcomes framework with a set of shared measurable goals, key indicators and metrics will drive the system to make a substantial shift towards improving population health and reducing inequalities.

A system outcomes framework is intended to:

  • promote collaboration across the ICS around shared goals
  • drive integration of services and support
  • drive a focus on prevention
  • recognise the importance of wider determinants on people’s lives
  • support focus on medium and longer-term improvement
  • link outcomes to programmes and projects at the operational level for action.

A Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire System Outcomes Framework has been developed through the Population Health, Prevention and Inequalities virtual team with system-wide engagement and was approved in 2021 by the Healthier Together Partnership.

The framework will be developed over time and it is expected that indicators will be added/removed as appropriate to reflect the context.

View the current list of indicators (Excel)

Other pages in the knowledge and research hub section:



Bringing the outcomes framework to life

A key step in an Integrated Care System becoming truly outcomes focused is to track and measure what the ICS values and not value what it measures, sometimes on the basis of simply what data is available. The following principles have been important in choosing indicators to include in products so far:

  • Specificity
  • Measurable
  • Realistic and achievable
  • Alignment with the ICS
  • Time bound
  • Comparable to other areas.

A Reporting Tool and a Data Explorer have been produced and have undergone technical user feedback. It should be noted that these are first versions of these tool and they are expected to develop and mature both in terms of technical production and content as the Integrated Care System become increasingly more outcomes focused.

The data explorer is:

  • designed for users to interrogate the data
  • structured in a way allowing you to compare areas of interest, show a summary of outcomes for a chosen area and explore inequalities
  • aimed at project/programme managers and service leads.

The reporting tool is:

  • structured by domain
  • designed to provide a high-level summary of outcomes, at a glance
  • aimed at strategic leads, governance groups and committees.

Moving forward

The Population Health Specialist Team (Healthier Together) has developed and delivered this first phase of the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire System Outcomes Framework.

Priorities for upcoming phases of the work include:

  • Further embedding the outcomes framework into the system
  • Agreeing ownership of outcomes by system partners
  • Developing the technical products further to allow for more detailed intelligence and reporting
  • Adapting the outcomes framework to reflect system context.

If you are interested in outcomes and would like to contribute or find out more about this work programme, please contact