BNSSG Healthier Together

Background information

Over the last two years, we have worked with more than 500 people to look at ways to improve stroke services. These include:

  • People who’ve had a stroke, their carers and families
  • Doctors, nurses, therapy staff, and health and social care professionals
  • Local councils
  • Charities like The Stroke Association and Bristol After Stroke
  • Members of the public.

Research and insight informed the proposals set out within our consultation document.

Further, much more detailed information is also available within our Stroke Services Reconfiguration Programme Pre-Consultation Business Case and related appendices:

  1. ISDN National Stroke Service Model (DRAFT)
  2. Governance Structure
  3. Stroke Prevention
  4. Clinical Evaluation Criteria
  5. Public Engagement – Report
  6. Equality Impact Assessment (EIA)
  7. Proposed Public Consultation Plan
  8. Travel Time Analysis
  9. Quality Impact Assessment
  10. Stochastic Modelling Report
  11. SWAST Modelling Impact
  12. NHSEI Stage 1 Assurance Letter
  13. Clinical Senate Desktop Review Report
  14. Partner Organisations Letters of Support
  15. Clinical Senate Panel Review Report
  16. Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)
  17. NHSEI Stage 2 Assurance Letter
  18. Decision Making Business Cases (DMBC) Evaluation Criteria

We’ve also pulled together a range of documents, videos and animations on our supporting information page to help people understand the proposals that we put forward.

Programme Board

Stroke survivors, senior clinicians and staff from across the area have formed the Stroke Programme Board and are working together to redesign services in line with national standards and ensure that more lives are saved from stroke each year.

Find out more about the membership of the board and their work.