Trauma-informed Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire: a pledge for partners

The Trauma-Informed Pledge for Partners has been developed and co-produced by the Trauma-Informed Systems Programme. This programme is hosted by NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and aims to promote trauma-informed systems change across all sectors, professions and areas of work.

The Trauma-Informed Pledge forms part of our wider work to build a shared language, approach and ambition around trauma-informed practice across sectors and parts of our wider system in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. It’s for any organisation, service, strategic board or group working in the local area and to be signed by leaders (eg: CEOs, chairs of boards, chief executives) or representatives who have been authorised to sign on behalf of their organisation, service, strategic board or group.

The Pledge represents an opportunity for organisations, strategic boards and groups serving the people and communities of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire to make an active commitment towards embedding a trauma-informed approach across services and systems by:

  • Organisational and strategic leaders signing the pledge, agreeing to the eight commitments.
  • Organisations, strategic boards, and groups identifying two key actions they will commit to over the next 12 months to progress their trauma-informed journeys.

These two actions might describe work that you are already doing around trauma-informed practice which you are committing to continue, or that you are looking to develop over the next 12 months.

Actions may vary across different parts of the system, depending on resource, capacity and how far along you are in your trauma-informed journey. Examples of actions include, but are not limited to:

  • setting up an organisational trauma-informed steering group
  • reviewing policies through a trauma-informed lens
  • developing a trauma-informed practice action plan using the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Trauma-Informed Practice Framework
  • training line managers around recognising and responding to secondary and vicarious trauma among staff
  • building coproduction into ongoing work or identifying a trauma-informed champion.

Our eight Active Commitments towards embedding trauma-informed practice:

1. We recognise that experiences of trauma and adversity are common and can have a profound, wide-reaching impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities. These are experiences which can take place across the life course and over generations and can influence how people interact, interpret the world and engage with services. We commit to developing our knowledge and understanding in this area to improve the design and delivery of our services. We recognise that early intervention and prevention approaches are integral to helping people live fulfilling lives. We will work together with individuals, families and communities to build on existing strengths and maximise opportunities for recovery.

2. We recognise that some individuals and groups are disproportionally affected by trauma and adversity. Collective trauma and structural inequalities, such as poverty and racism can compound these experiences. We commit to promoting equality, diversity and inclusion. This involves developing our knowledge and understanding through an intersectional lens and working to address the underlying systemic causes that contribute to inequality and disadvantage wherever possible.

3. We acknowledge that our organisations are made up of individuals who may have experienced trauma and adversity in their lives. We will prioritise the health and wellbeing of our workforce, acknowledging that staff could be negatively impacted by their work. Within our organisations, we commit to leading with compassion as we build a trauma-informed approach into our cultures and processes.

4. We will develop and promote a shared approach across the system and commit to adopting the trauma-informed principles and model set out in the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Trauma-Informed Practice Framework.

5. We recognise that embedding a trauma-informed approach is an ongoing journey that requires long-term commitment. We will look for opportunities to build longevity into our organisational strategies and policies. We will work collaboratively across organisations to best support our collective aim of becoming a trauma-informed system.

6. We will support and promote an inclusive approach, valuing the contributions and expertise of all communities and sectors. We will actively involve and listen to individuals, families and communities with lived experience and commit to building meaningful coproduction into our processes where possible.

7. We recognise the importance of evaluation and measuring impact. We will seek opportunities to develop and share best practice, contributing to the evolving evidence base around trauma-informed work. We will foster a reflective and supportive learning culture where we feel safe to innovate and challenge what needs to be changed.

8. We will communicate and actively promote the importance of trauma-informed practice. We will champion and look for opportunities to influence at every level, from local policy to wider conversations on the trauma-informed approach.

Sign the pledge

Please provide your name and details below to demonstrate the commitment of your organisation, service, strategic board or group to the above eight statements.

Trauma-informed pledge for partners
Please enter your full name
Please enter your full name
Examples of actions include, but are not limited to: setting up an organisational trauma-informed steering group, reviewing policies through a trauma-informed lens, developing a trauma-informed practice action plan using the BNSSG Trauma-Informed Practice Framework, training line managers around recognising and responding to secondary and vicarious trauma among staff, building coproduction into ongoing work or identifying a trauma-informed champion.
You have the option to opt-out of any communications at any time by contacting
If you have an organisational/strategic group logo, do you consent to having this included on the BNSSG Healthier Together Website to showcase your support for the pledge?

Contact the Trauma-Informed Programme

If you have any queries or you would like to find out more about how to get involved, please contact

Trauma-informed practice and our Trauma-Informed Practice Framework