BNSSG Healthier Together

Healthier Together leadership

On 1 July 2022, our Integrated Care System (ICS) became a statutory legal entity under the The Health and Care Act. Our ICS includes local councils, NHS hospitals, GP practices and community and mental health services.

The ICS structure is made up of an Integrated Care Partnership (ICP), an Integrated Care Board (ICB) and six Locality Partnerships.

The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP)

The Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) is a statutory committee jointly formed between the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and the three local authorities in our area. It brings together a broad range of partners – including from the local voluntary sector and community groups – and sets the strategy to meet the population’s health, care and wellbeing needs.

The ICP includes representatives from each Integrated Care System partnership organisation and each of the six Locality Partnerships. Other members include community and voluntary sector representatives, and Healthwatch.

It is jointly chaired by our three constituent Health and Wellbeing Board chairs, on rotation.

The Chair for this year is Councillor Helen Holland, the Health and Wellbeing Board Chair for Bristol. The Deputy Chair is Jeff Farrar.

Councillor John O’Neill, the Health and Wellbeing Board Chair for South Gloucestershire and Councillor Jenna Ho Marris, the Health and Wellbeing Board Chair for North Somerset are Vice Chairs.

The ICP membership includes representatives from each ICS Partnership organisation and each of the six Locality Partnerships. Membership will also include community and voluntary sector representatives and Healthwatch.

The Integrated Care Board (ICB)

The Integrated Care Board (ICB) is the organisation responsible for the day-to-day running of the NHS.

NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB takes account of population needs, arranges for the provision of services and manages the NHS budget. With ICBs being legally established on 1 July 2022, Clinical Commissioning Groups across the country are abolished.

ICBs have several roles mandated through legislation: the Chair, Chief Executive, Chief Nursing Officer, Chief Medical Officer and Chief Finance Officer. Our ICB Chair is Jeff Farrar while our ICB Chief Executive Officer is Shane Devlin.

Our ICB has five independent non-executive members, as well as senior representatives from all the Healthier Together partner organisations. The ICB has 19 board members in total. Healthwatch and One Care also attend as non-voting participants.

Locality Partnerships

Locality Partnerships operate on a local level to respond to the unique needs of their local populations. The six Locality Partnerships in our area are:

Locality Partnerships may include general practice, councils, social care, community services, voluntary sector, local activity and faith groups, and mental health services – working with local people and communities as equal partners to improve health and wellbeing.

Find out more about Locality Partnerships

More information about Healthier Together