The All Age Oral Health and Dental Strategy builds on the overall Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICS Strategy that aims to tackle inequalities in outcomes, experience and access. It has been developed using patient complaints, feedback collated by Healthwatch, a staff survey and the support of staff across all areas of dental provision, NHS England and local authority public health.
Access to NHS dental care continues to be one of the main issues we hear about from the public. Difficulties getting support has led to many people living in pain.
In February 2024, NHS England announced the new national recovery plan. The Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICS are working with regional colleagues on implementing the national plan and the draft Oral Health and Dental Strategy describes the further action required to improve oral health and increase access.
We know that people from the most deprived communities struggle the most to access dental care because they cannot afford it. We need to ensure plans address these health inequalities.