BNSSG Healthier Together

Extra care clinic

Is fear of needles or other concerns about injections preventing you from having the Covid-19 vaccine?

Fear of needles affects many people in different ways, and it is nothing to be ashamed of. While some people’s fear can be linked to an unpleasant experience with needles, for others, the fear isn’t related to experience and can’t be easily explained. Reactions can range from mild anxiety to panic.

It’s common for fear of needles or other concerns to make you think twice about getting your Covid-19 vaccine or to completely avoid it. But don’t worry, you are not alone, and we are here to help.

What are the signs and symptoms?

Your fear could be triggered by seeing or thinking about an injection, which can cause some people to feel panicky. Other people experience an increase and rapid drop in their heart rate and blood pressure, which could cause them to faint.

You may have other concerns or worries about having an injection which make you feel nervous or anxious.

How do I get my Covid-19 vaccine if I have injection concerns or am afraid of needles?

In Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (BNSSG) we are offering dedicated clinics at the Vaccination Centre @UWE to support people with injection concerns or needle fear. All our vaccinators are highly trained and will provide a safe space for you to talk about your fears and to have your Covid-19 vaccine.

The clinics will also provide additional support for anyone attending the vaccination centre who has general concerns about having the Covid-19 vaccine or children, young people, and adults at risk of harm or abuse, needing confidential personal assistance.

How do I access the clinics?

These dedicated clinics are accessible by booked appointment only. Please email to make an appointment.

You will be contacted by a member of the vaccination team to ensure that we tailor requirements to your individual needs.