BNSSG Healthier Together

Launch of the Innovate Healthier Together Lunch and Learn Series


Update from the Innovate Healthier Together Programme.

On Monday 26 February, the Innovate Healthier Together programme launched the first in its series of monthly lunch-and-learns.

Deborah El-Sayed, Chief Transformation and Digital Information Officer for NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) hosted the online event and set out the purpose of this series:

  • to talk about different elements of innovation through the lens of the Nesta innovation spiral
  • to showcase different innovations and to share their development journey
  • to connect innovator enthusiasts across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire,
  • to inspire and encourage a culture of innovation in health and care

To launch the lunch-and-learn series, Deborah introduced our keynote speaker – Dr Carey McLellan from getUbetter.

Carey is a local clinician who around 10 years ago identified a need for a digital self-management support for patients with musculoskeletal injuries.

He shared his product development story and then reflected on his key ingredients for adoption and spread of innovation.

These included the importance of co-production with patients as well as clinicians, information governance teams and commissioners, ensuring the product is evidence-based and demonstrates economic impact and return on investment with a specific focus on real world data.

He also emphasised the importance of inclusivity and working hard to ensure health and care innovations are accessible for all patients.

Carey generously shared lots of helpful reflections on his journey as an innovator – many of these themes will be picked up in future lunch-and-learn topics and the work of the Innovate Healthier Together Programme.

Go to the recording of the February 2024 Lunch and Learn

The next Lunch-and-Learn in the series will be taking place on 26 March 2024 and will focus on how we can understand and tackle inequalities through innovation.

Katie Donovan-Adekanmbi, Inclusion and Cohesion Specialist from BCohCo Ltd will be hosting this session showcasing the work of Dr Chen Mao Davies, Founder of Anya, a parent support and breastfeeding digital application.

Register to join the March 2024 Lunch and Learn