Previously Supported Projects
Links to projects previously supported by Birstol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB, such as Fellowships, previous RCF awardees, and non-NIHR funded projects.
- A patient-reported questionnaire to measure the use of informal care, social care and personal expenses
- ADAPT: The south Asian Dementia diAgnosis PaThway – an online toolkit of enhanced interventions
- BEE: Best Emollient in Eczema
- Bite-size patient-centred exercise and education videos for people with stroke from Asian backgrounds (Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi)
- CHICO: A clinical effectiveness investigation of a multi-faceted intervention to improve management of antibiotics for CHIldren presenting to primary care with acute COugh and respiratory tract infection
- COAC: Using health information systems to address patient concerns in GP consultations: a feasibility study
- Development of a virtual Chronic Kidney Disease clinic
- GPED: General Practitioners and Emergency Departments: Efficient Models of Care
- Implementation of flash glucose monitoring in four paediatric diabetes clinics – before and after study to produce real world evidence of patient benefit
- Improving the provision of support for appearance-related issues in primary care
- Tech for Better Care: Personalised community medication support and management project.
- The DiSH (Disclosure in Sexual Health) project to develop an identification and support intervention for sexual violence survivors
- The evaluation of Operation Topaz for child sexual and criminal exploitation on the health and wellbeing of service users.
- TRIUMPH: TReating Urinary symptoms in Men in Primary Healthcare using non-pharmacological and non-surgical interventions