How can vaccinations be delivered opportunistically in primary care and community settings in a way that is feasible, accessible, and acceptable, and leads to increased vaccine uptake in adults?
BNSSG ICB Research Capability Funding.
What is the problem?
Uptake of vaccines is lower among some groups. NICE recommends that healthcare providers offer vaccines to people from these groups whenever they can. However, members of the public and healthcare providers think that this may not always be a good idea.
What is the aim of the research?
The aim of this research is to explore when and how vaccines should be offered, and by whom.
We will then use what people tell us to apply for more funding to co-produce an intervention to help healthcare providers offer and deliver vaccines in a way that is acceptable and accessible.
How will this be achieved?
We will speak to people who deliver healthcare services about how and when they think vaccines could be offered, and what some of the challenges may be. We will also speak to people who have not had routine vaccines that are available to them. We will ask them what they think about vaccines being offered when they see healthcare providers for reasons unrelated to vaccines. We will discuss ways in which vaccines could be offered so that people are happy to receive them.
This work will help us understand how we can co-produce a package of support to help people give and receive vaccinations opportunistically.
Who is leading the research?
Dr Sarah Denford, Research Fellow in the Health Protection Research Unit, University of Bristol.
Further information
About Dr Sarah Denford.
For more information or to get involved with this project, please contact