BNSSG Healthier Together
    A group of people walking on a path through a park. A man and woman are at the front of the group, both wearing high viability jackets with the 'walking for health' logo. They are smiling.

    Joint Forward Plan

    Our Joint Forward Plan describes what our partnership will do to help us deliver our Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) Strategy.

    Our Joint Forward Plan was first published in June 2023 and is updated annually to take account of the progress being made, new evidence, and to reflect NHS planning guidance.

    This section of our website provides an overview of our Joint Forward Plan for 2024-2029.

    If you would like to discuss this work, share your views or receive documents in an alternative format, please contact us:

    A visual snapshot of the Joint Forward Plan. It is divided into seven across sections setting out some of our priorities for the years ahead, as explained below.

    A visual snapshot of the Joint Forward Plan. It is divided into seven across sections setting out some of our priorities for the years ahead, as explained below.

    Population health, prevention and inequality

    We all know that prevention is better than cure. The more we can do to look after ourselves and our families, the better it is for our health.

    Learn more about population health, prevention and inequalities


    Enablers such as estates, workforce, digital capabilities safeguarding and medicine optimisations are important within the NHS because they support the delivery of safe, effective, and efficient healthcare services, enhance patient experience and outcomes, and contribute to the overall resilience and sustainability of the healthcare system.

    Learn more about enablers

    Communities and primary care

    Community and primary care services focus on keeping people healthy, identifying the onset of more serious conditions and supporting people closer to home. By addressing health issues early on, it can reduce the burden on our local hospitals.

    Learn more about community and primary care

    Sustainability and the environment

    We know the environment has a major impact on our everyday health, from air quality to reducing carbon emissions. In 2022, we launched our three-year Green Plan that will support our ambitions to become net zero while continuing to effectively support the health needs of our population.

    Learn more about sustainability and the environment

    Mental health, learning disabilities and autism

    Mental health and wellbeing are an essential part to everyday life for everyone, regardless of their age, therefore it is important to provide accessible services to our local communities when good mental health and wellbeing is impacted.

    Learn more about mental health, learning disabilities and autism

    Children and young people

    We want to improve the health and wellbeing of children and young people across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, and give them the best opportunity to be healthy and live well.

    Learn more about children and young people

    Acute services

    We want to address the demand and capacity gaps across our hospital services, reducing the length of time people are waiting for appointments, tests and treatment, and supporting them while they wait.

    Learn more about acute services