We are committed to providing the best care for patients, and research is just one way we can improve and develop the NHS services that we commission on your behalf.
This research is varied. It might be part of a national research study testing a new drug or technology, a service evaluation to help review services, or a pilot to test innovative treatments.
Patients’ experiences provide invaluable insight into how treatments are working, or whether things need to be improved. Their relatives’ and carers’ views also offer an incredibly important perspective.
How you can get involved
There are many ways to get involved in research. It could be as a participant in a study, or as a research partner helping to shape and deliver the research.
To begin you can ask the person who is treating you if you can get involved in research – this could be your GP, consultant, surgeon, nurse or therapist.
Local research
Visit the research section of your hospital or care provider’s website.
Be Part of Research
Visit the Be Part of Research website – part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) which specialises in supporting greater public involvement in research.
Clinical Research Network
Use your local research network, e.g. the Clinical Research Network – West of England.
NHS website
Visit the NHS website to understand more about clinical and medical trials and which studies are recruiting.
Share your experience
If you don’t want to be involved in research but would like to share your experience, contact NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB using our online form.
More information
The NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB Research team provides the organisation with expertise around conducting research, using evidence and evaluating the services we commission. This ensures our commissioning decisions are based on the most robust and up to date evidence.