We’re pleased to announce that the Healthier Together and NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) websites have merged to create a more accessible and streamlined website where you can find the local health and care information you need in one place.
Help build a health service fit for the future
People in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are being invited to share their views, experiences and ideas for improving the NHS, at a series of events in January.
Thornbury Health Centre development progresses towards planning application
NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB and South Gloucestershire Council are working together to progress the development of a brand-new health centre for Thornbury, located on the former Thornbury Hospital site.
Become a Lived Experience Contributor for learning disability and autism project
We’re looking for people with lived experience to help us develop an all-age list of autistic people and people with a learning disability to better support people at risk of a mental health hospital admission.
Become a Public Contributor and help design the future of health and care
We are looking for two members of the public to join the Healthier Together Steering Group and contribute to the improvement of how services are designed to meet current and future needs.