VCSE Alliance application form

VCSE Alliance application form

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Section 1: About you and your organisation

To participate in the VCSE Alliance, we will need the following information. Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge.
Your organisation's registered address
Your organisation's registered address
Please confirm that your organisation is part of the ‘VCSE’ Sector

VCSE organisations may have several structures or forms – please select which describes your organisation best from the following options. If your organisation’s structure is not listed below, please select ‘Other’ and give us details. If you would like to contact us to discuss applications from organisation who do not fit this definition,  please email us at

Please confirm that your organisation is part of the ‘VCSE’ Sector
Is your organisation signed up to the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire VCSE Brokerage Framework?
If no, would you like to sign up to the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire VCSE Brokerage Framework?
We will pass on your contact details to the VCSE Brokerage Framework team.