Meet Team GP

The highly skilled healthcare professionals enhancing your local surgery

We want to make sure everyone can get the right care at the right time, whether that’s online or face-to-face. So Team GP now includes a variety of expert healthcare professionals, including clinical pharmacists, nurse practitioners, first contact physiotherapists, paramedics, and more.

Someone working in one of these specialist roles may be the best person for you to see next time so you may be offered an appointment with them instead of with a GP when you contact your surgery.

This will help as many people can access general practice as possible, so that we can prevent long-term ill health and help everybody live healthier, longer lives.

The information below explains more – the services your GP surgery provides, and the different medical specialists you may see when you visit your surgery.

Which NHS Service Should I use?

Tracey and John's story

Meet Tracey, a practice nurse specialising in leg ulcer care. She leads a team of practice nurses who run group consultations for patients, where they get expert care and learn how to best look after themselves. This leg ulcer clinic is just one example of the way general practice is changing in your area.
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Tony and Julia's Story

An appointment with specialist asthma nurse Julia and access to a new diagnosis machine in general practice helped Tony to breathe easy. Now, regular phone appointments help keep him on the right track.
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