Home first


Why Home First?

NHS organisations, local authorities and community partners in our Integrated Care System are working together to care for you and to help you recover at home when you no longer need hospital care. We call this our ‘Home First’ approach.

Home First enables you to recover sooner after an illness or hospital stay in a place that is familiar to you – your home or usual place of residence.

We know that people recover more quickly at home, rather than in a busy hospital. They tend to sleep better and have a more positive outlook, with home comforts and family, friends or carers nearby.

Staying in hospital for longer than necessary can lead to reduced independence, increased muscle loss and risk of infection. Leaving when you no longer need hospital care also frees up beds for people who need them.

Together with our community partners, we can support you to return to your usual place of residence through our services below.


NHS@Home offers NHS healthcare in your home or normal place of residence, rather than in hospital. The service uses a mixture of phone and video calls, face-to-face visits from healthcare professionals and remote monitoring through digital technology to support your recovery.


Your pathway home

Some people are well enough to leave hospital, but need additional support while they continue to recover. There are a number of different ways you can be supported when you leave hospital, known as ‘pathways’. The team caring for you will consider your individual needs and circumstances to help identify which pathway is right for you.

Your pathway home

For health and care professionals and partners

See our Discharge to Assess pages for more information to support colleagues and partners.