BNSSG Healthier Together

Vaccination information

Local information about vaccination (sometimes referred to as immunisation) in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Where we do not have local information about a particular vaccination, we provide a link to trusted national NHS resources.

Vaccines save lives. They protect people from serious diseases and prevent outbreaks of illness in communities.

Everyone living in the UK is recommended to be up to date with routine vaccinations to protect you and your loved ones throughout life. You can check which vaccinations you have had by checking your child health record, also known as your ‘red book’. Alternatively, you can contact your GP and ask for your vaccination record.

If you or your child have missed any routine vaccinations, contact your GP to make an appointment for a free ‘catch up’ vaccine.


Video: Do you know how vaccines work?

Learn more about vaccination, how it works and why it is important.

Do you know how vaccines work?

Contact us

If you have an urgent query about vaccination in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire, please check your correspondence for contact details or email our vaccination programme team at

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Facebook: @BNSSGICB
Instagram: @bnssg_icb