Population Health Intelligence

This page contains data and information resources to help stakeholders and the interested public to understand and act on health and its wider determinants in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Local resources

The following resources have been produced locally and are specific to the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System.

Our Future Health Report – Strategic Needs Assessment (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System)

The Our Future Health Report was written to inform system action and the strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System. The report provides an overview of key health and wellbeing issues for the population within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and provides examples of key opportunities for local interventions across all stages of life.

Our Future Health Report


Technical Briefing: The burden of Chronic Pain in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

The purpose of this briefing is to explore the profile and characteristics of the population living with chronic pain across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and the burden of chronic pain from a population health perspective.

The briefing provides a summary of:

  • The population affected by chronic pain, including demographics and comorbidities
  • Key issues for people living with chronic pain in BNSSG
  • Opportunities for the system
  • Useful resources for system partners

The analysis has generated unique insight into chronic pain in BNSSG and has demonstrated:

  • Chronic pain is common and affects people across the life course
  • The burden of chronic pain is not shared equally across the population
  • People living with chronic pain often have multiple other conditions

Technical Briefing: The burden of Chronic Pain in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire

Local authority Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

The following resources have been produced locally and are specific to Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System.

Our Future Health Report – Strategic Needs Assessment (Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System)

The Our Future Health Report was written to inform system action and the strategy for Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICS. The report provides an overview of key health and wellbeing issues for the population within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire and provides examples of key opportunities for local interventions across all stages of life.

Our Future Health Report

Local authority Joint Strategic Needs Assessments

The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment reports on the health and wellbeing needs of people within a local authority area. It brings together detailed information on local health and wellbeing needs and looks ahead at emerging challenges and projected future needs.

Bristol Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

North Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

South Gloucestershire Joint Strategic Needs Assessment


Quality of Life Survey - Bristol

The Quality of Life in Bristol survey an annual snapshot of the quality of life in Bristol. It includes 190 quality of life indicators, with trend data for each level reported since 2018 where available. The quality of life results cover topics such as: health, lifestyles, community, local services and public perception about living in Bristol.

Bristol City Council: Quality of life in Bristol

Quality of life data dashboard


Health and Wellbeing Online Pupil Survey – South Gloucestershire

The children and young people taking part in the South Gloucestershire Health and Wellbeing Pupil survey have provided a powerful vehicle for pupil voice ensuring local politicians and decision-makers recognise how children and young people are feeling and behaving.  This should ensure resources in shorter supply are targeted at areas of most need.

South Gloucestershire Council: Health and Wellbeing Online Pupil Survey report 2017


The Bristol Pupil Voice Report - Bristol

The Bristol Pupil Voice report provides a detailed insight into the behaviours, attitudes and concerns of young people. This insight can be used by those planning and delivering services to appreciate the variation across the city and provide an opportunity to assess the success of projects and initiatives that have already been commissioned.

Bristol City Council: The Bristol Pupil Voice report 2022


Local Government Association: Health Inequalities Hub

The Local Government Association’s Health Inequalities Hub hosts several webinars focussed on key areas, including:

  • mental health
  • age
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • and exploring the impact of Covid-19

To coincide with the webinars, each month the hub will be updated with new case studies from councils who are working to reduce inequalities in these areas.

The Health Inequalities Hub also describes the national literature on health inequalities and Covid-19 and includes think pieces that delve deeper into the issue.

Local Government Association: Health inequalities hub


Local Government Association: Cost of Living Hub

The Local Government Association Cost of Living Hub has been designed to share best practice and help councils to support their residents with the rise in the cost of living. Examples of the work of councils and resources can be found for each topic area on the hub.

Local Government Association: Cost of living hub


LG Inform

Local Government Inform (LG Inform), funded by UK Government, is a practical response to the local government sector’s call for greater freedom to take responsibility for its own improvement and increase transparency with the public. This online service allows you to access, compare and analyse data, and present your findings online or offline.

Developed by the Local Government Association and local authority champions, LG Inform builds on the success of its prototype to give councils and fire and rescue services access to over 1,800 items of relevant contextual and performance data.

The search and reporting functionality allow users to assess performance locally, regionally and nationally across all areas of England. Such intelligence will help local authorities make the right decisions about their local areas and the services they provide.

Local Government Inform

National resources

The following resources are produced nationally and, in most cases, provide a breakdown to geographies within Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

Fingertips: Public Health Profiles

Fingertips Public Health Profiles are a rich source of indicators across a range of health and wellbeing themes. They are designed to support Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) and commissioning to improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities. With these profiles you can:

  • browse indicators at different geographical levels
  • benchmark against the regional or England average
  • export data to use locally

These profiles have been developed by the Office for Health Improvement & Disparities (OHID) and are available at:

Public health profiles

Fingertips guidance


Local Inequalities Explorer Tool

The purpose of the Local Inequalities Explorer Tool is to provide a resource to support decision making by demonstrating some local, within-area inequalities.

The tool seeks to:

  • show the strength of association between some important high-burden diseases and deprivation
  • emphasise the strength of association with deprivation, more than the magnitude of the local inequality
  • provide a resource to stimulate and support local inequalities discussions e.g. Health and Wellbeing Boards and ICS Boards
  • illustrate examples of within-area inequalities.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Local Inequalities Explorer Tool 2023


Health Inequalities Dashboard

This Health Inequalities Dashboard tool has been developed by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities to present evidence of health inequalities in England. Measures of inequality are provided for key indicators to monitor progress on reducing inequalities within England. For some indicators, inequality measures are also provided within regions, and upper tier local authorities. More local level measures will be added to the dashboard over time.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: Health Inequalities Dashboard


SPOTLIGHT: Improving Inclusion Health Outcomes

SPOTLIGHT is a data dissemination platform produced by the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.

The aim of SPOTLIGHT is to improve accessibility and visibility of data and evidence related to inclusion health populations. Data have been selected for inclusion based on validity, reliability, and relevance of the original source.

Office for Health Improvement and Disparities: SPOTLIGHT


Health Economics Evidence Resource

The Health Economic Evidence Resource (HEER) tool shows the main cost-effectiveness and return on investment evidence on activities in the public health grant. The HEER brings together recent economic evidence from the literature, which is commonly used and has been quality assured by Public Health England.

GOV UK: Health Economics Evidence Resource


Strategic Health Assess Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) – Place Tool

Strategy Health Assess Planning and Evaluation (SHAPE) is an online, interactive, data mapping, analysis and insight tool that supports service planning and estates strategy development.

Supported by the Department of Health and Social Care, SHAPE is a web enabled, evidence based application that informs and supports the strategic planning of services and assets across the public sector. The primary aim of the application is to facilitate scenario planning and option appraisals in support of public services. Its analytical and presentation features can help service commissioners to determine the service configuration that provides the most affordable access to services. The demographic and service data, combined with the information on estates location and performance, is also used to support estates strategy and business case development.

Department of Health & Social Care: SHAPE



RightCare’s methodology for change is based around three delivery stages:

  • diagnose issues and identify opportunities with data, evidence and intelligence
  • develop solutions and guidance using innovation and good practice
  • deliver improvements for service users, populations and health and care systems

RightCare sits within the Improvement Product and Services Group within the Chief Data and Analytics Officer Directorate (CDAO).

NHS England: RightCare


Model Health System

The Model Health System is a data-driven improvement tool that enables NHS health systems and trusts to benchmark quality and productivity. By identifying opportunities for improvement, the Model Health System empowers NHS teams to continuously improve care for patients.

NHS England: Model Health System


National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE): Health Inequalities Portal

The National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) assists in locating relevant guidelines and resources such as quality standards and case studies around specific topic areas.

NICE: Health Inequalities Portal