Research, evidence and evaluation

This page signposts useful toolkits, repositories, networks and teams working in research, evidence, or evaluation across our Integrated Care System and nationally.

Local resources

Research and development functions

Partners have different Research and Development functions that support research including:


Knowledge and library services

There are knowledge and library services that provide support around evidence or literature searching and reviews:

Please note NHS Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire ICB Clinical Effectiveness Team has conducted rapid evidence work and delivered evidence training to colleagues in the past and can share materials.


Academic partners and support

There are various academic collaborations, teams and researchers working on health and social care issues.


Toolkits and training



  • The Engagement Log is a library of Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (Market Research or Opinion Research) across Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire. It coordinates research and healthcare engagement, connecting teams to similar projects, sharing insights, and fostering community relationships by acknowledging past engagements. To access the Log, email
  • Evidence Repository (coordinated by West of England Health Innovation Network) – uses the national portal Future NHS to safely sharing non-peer reviewed documents that are not published elsewhere to promote a culture of shared learning and collaboration.




National resources

Future NHS

  • Future NHS is a collaboration platform hosted by NHS England that supports commissioners, providers, senior management, front line staff, clinicians, health and social care colleagues, charity, voluntary and community sector organisations, and other interested stakeholders to connect, share and learn.


Knowledge and library services

  • NHS Knowledge and Library Hub – connects healthcare staff and learners to high quality, NHS-funded, knowledge and evidence resources in one place, using a single search. Access the hub using NHS Open Athens an account which unlocks a range of quality, trusted, evidence-based information for health and care staff. Accounts are available to more members of the wider health and care community than you might think.
  • UKHSA evidence reviews – GOV.UK – evidence reviews conducted by the national Clinical and Public Health Response Evidence Review team and the Science Evidence Review team within UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).
  • Ask a librarian, the Kings Fund – the Kings Fund offer a free ‘ask a librarian’ service as well as a paid-for literature search service.
  • Strategy Unit – provides rapid evidence scans.

