BNSSG Healthier Together

Our vision is: ‘Healthier together by working together’

Our Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care System (ICS) Strategy has been sponsored by the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Board. The Board is made up of representatives from the voluntary community and lived experience sectors, our three local authorities, our six locality partnerships, Healthwatch the social care sector and our NHS organisations including service providers.

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If you have any questions about the Strategy or any of the supporting documents, or would like these in an alternative format, please email:

How we developed our Strategy

Creating our Integrated Care System Strategy started with asking people who live in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire what keeps them happy, healthy and well, what gets in the way of them staying well, what they need to stay well, and what they would prioritise to keep everyone well.

We ran a 12-week survey in 2022 which got more than 3,000 responses as well as reaching hundreds more at over 50 community events. We also looked at lots of data, all brought together and analysed in a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, alongside priorities set by local health and care organisations, to help everyone involved in creating the Strategy know what to focus on.

Read more about Have Your Say Community voices: what people have told us

Next steps

This is the first edition of our Integrated Care System Strategy. The Strategy will continue to evolve over the coming years. We will regularly check progress and consider if we are prioritising the right things as a health and care system to keep people happy, healthy and well.

Related information

The Strategy is supported by a Joint Forward Plan, which is updated annually. This sets out further detail on our plans, what we will do, and how we will measure our progress.

Joint Forward Plan