In the summer of 2022, we asked local people what helps them to be happy, healthy, and well. We had over 3,000 responses to the exercise, with over 21,000 different comments from those who completed an online survey or attended one of more than 50 community events. We recorded many of these conversations on camera – see many of these community voices here.

We worked with our local hospitals, community health, primary care, mental health, local council, charities, community groups, the voluntary sector, and businesses to help gather these responses.

Many different people from our communities in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are represented in the findings and this includes different age groups, health needs, abilities, and people from a variety of backgrounds.

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This page explains what we heard, and what we are doing now.

If you wish, you can download the full report here:

Or you can read a summary version here:

This is also available in the following formats:

Thank you for your responses – both what you told us, and the goodwill shown towards health and care workers in our area.

Question 1: What keeps you happy, healthy and well?

You told us the two most important factors are lifestyle and relationships, with access to quality care and meaningful, stable employment also important.

Hear from Bani who lives in Bristol.

0 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0.2 %
Friends and family (social contact)
0 %
Quality of life

Joanne says being active and more interaction can help.

Question 2: What gets in the way of you staying happy, healthy and well?

You told us a lack of a healthy lifestyle, and health concerns related to accessing care, with work-life balance, and the cost-of-living are big areas of concern.

0 %
Lack of healthy or active lifestyle
0.2 %
Lack of access to quality care
0 %
Poor work/life balance

Question 3: What do you think you need more of, either now or in the future, to stay happy, healthy and well?

Many of you told us a healthier and more active lifestyle, coupled with better access to quality care will help now or in the future. Reducing poverty and inequality is also seen as a part of the solution.

Justin says work/life balance is key.

0 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0 %
Access to quality care (including early intervention and prevention)
0 %
Reduced deprivation and poverty


Exercise, relationships and flexible employment are key for Alan.

Question 4: What would you prioritise to ensure a happy and healthy population in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire?

Many of you pinpointed access to quality care (including helping people early and preventing disease), and a healthy and active lifestyle. Improved public services also scores highly.

0 %
Access to quality care
0.2 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0 %
Public services and infrastructure

Question 5: ‘Increase the number of years people live in good health’ – from your perspective, what needs to happen for us to achieve this goal?

Many of you quoted better access to quality care with a healthier and more active lifestyle; along with reduced poverty, the cost of living, and social factors such as climate, government and regulations.


Huda says being outdoors and avoiding modern technology can help.

0 %
Access to quality care
0.2 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0 %
Deprivation, poverty and cost of living issues

Carla wants better access to mental health services.

Question 6: ‘Improve everyone’s mental wellbeing’ – from your perspective, what needs to happen for us to achieve this goal?

While many of you said access to quality care and a healthy lifestyle – you also said social contact has a significant role to play here.

0 %
Access to quality care
0 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0 %
Friends and family, social contact

Question 7: ‘To make sure everyone is able to receive support from health and care services when needed’ – from your perspective, what needs to happen for us to achieve this goal?

Many of you said access to health and care services when needed, with better public services, infrastructure and social factors like climate and government also mentioned.

Rae tells us about long-term funding.

0 %
Access to quality services
0 %
Public services and infrastructure
0 %
Social factors like climate, government and regulations

Julia says helping people connect and have a voice is important.

Question 8: ‘Increase the number of people who tell us that they live in a healthy, positive and safe place’ – from your perspective, what needs to happen for us to achieve this goal?

While access to quality care comes out on top for many of you; other factors like policing, better local services and neighbourhoods working together also score highly.

0 %
Access to quality care
0 %
Public services and infrastructure
0 %
Safe environment and housing

Question 9: What role can individuals, families and communities play to achieve these goals?

Many of you said social contact, including friends and family, is the most important factor, with lifestyle and a safe environment also chosen by many.

Paul says communities may need to do more.

0 %
Friends and family, social contact
0 %
Healthy and active lifestyle
0 %
Safe environment, housing

What happens now?

We are sharing the research results with as many of the people who took part in Have Your Say, as possible. We are also making sure these results are fully understood and considered by the teams developing the strategy for our Integrated Care System (ICS). This work makes sure local people’s voices are at the heart of our planning to address inequalities, and provide services which local people need.

More information on the Integrated Care System’s strategy will be shared on this website over the coming months, and we hope to share the draft strategy in the Spring (2023).

Our thanks go to everyone who has contributed to the Have Your Say research.

If you have any questions or comments about Have Your Say or the Integrated Care System’s future strategy please contact us at