What is a trauma-informed approach?
Trauma results from an event, series of events, or set of circumstances that are experienced by an individual as harmful or life-threatening.
While unique to the individual, generally the experiences of trauma and adversity can have a profound and wide-reaching impact on the lives of individuals, families and communities. These experiences can influence people’s interactions and how they interpret the world and their surroundings.
Trauma-informed approaches acknowledge the prevalence of trauma in society, recognise the signs and symptoms of trauma and resist re-traumatising people.
The Trauma-Informed Practice Framework
Drawing on national and international best practice and input from local organisations and people with lived experience of trauma and adversity, a Bristol North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Trauma-Informed Practice Framework has been developed as an accessible resource for local organisations.
The framework creates a shared language and approach that recognises the potential impact of trauma and adversity, and can help staff and organisations to respond in compassionate and timely way that supports recovery and prevent further harm
The framework includes guidance on trauma-informed practice and principles as well as examples of trauma-informed practice in action.
View and download the Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Trauma Informed Practice FrameworkThe Trauma-Informed Pledge
The Trauma-Informed Pledge for Partners has been developed and co-produced by the Trauma-Informed Systems Programme. The Pledge represents an opportunity for organisations, strategic groups and boards serving the people and communities of Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire to make an active commitment towards embedding a trauma-informed approach across services and systems.
Find out more about the Trauma-Informed Pledge