This pathway is for people who are well enough to leave hospital but still need 24-hour care while their longer term needs are assessed.

You will be transferred for a short stay in a community assessment bed. This is usually the best place for your general well-being while you, your family and care professionals work together to make important decisions about your long-term care.

Read more about this pathway below, or download our community bed leaflet.

What to expect

Community assessment beds are usually in care homes and some are in supported housing. Depending on availability and your individual needs, this may not be the facility nearest to your home.

When you arrive, you will be welcomed and helped to settle in. The team caring for you will check how you are and agree a plan for your care.

A therapist will assess if you have any therapy or equipment needs. If appropriate, they will put in place a therapy plan so the team caring for you know how to support your rehabilitation and this may include some therapy sessions.

Once your health needs have been addressed you will be allocated a social care practitioner from your local authority social care team to help plan your long-term care needs. This could mean returning home with support or, in most cases, a long-term placement in a residential or nursing home.

Your social care team will carry out a care needs assessment to check your eligibility for local authority social care. They will discuss your options with you and your family and carers. You may also be assessed to see if you are eligible for NHS continuing healthcare.

How long will I stay?

We aim to assess and discharge you from your community bed to the most appropriate place to meet your ongoing needs as soon as possible. This could take up to 28 days but will vary depending on your circumstances.

Do I need to pay?

Your stay in your community bed will be funded by the NHS until your local authority has completed your care needs assessment and a means-tested financial assessment to determine how much you will need to contribute to your ongoing care.

Your social care practitioner will guide you through the process. You can also contact your local authority directly with any questions:

• Bristol residents: 0117 903 7706
• North Somerset residents: 01275 888 801
• South Gloucestershire residents: 01454 868 007