Recovery and rehab at home

This pathway is for people who are well enough to leave hospital but still need some support to regain independence.

You will return home from hospital, where you will continue your recovery and rehabilitation (rehab for short) with a short period of extra support from our community team.

Read more about this pathway below, or download our leaflet on recovery and rehab at home.

The Sirona care & health team

NHS community services in Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are provided by Sirona care & health. The team incudes physiotherapists, occupational therapists, community support workers, nurses, pharmacists and paramedics.

They work together to support your recovery and rehabilitation and you will be seen by the professional best suited to your needs.

What to expect at home

At home, you will be assessed by a community practitioner. This could be in person, or it may be by telephone or video call.

They will check how you are and work with you, and your family or carers, to understand how your illness and hospital stay have affected your ability to manage at home. For example, being able to wash and dress yourself and move around your home. They will develop a personalised recovery and rehabilitation plan for you based around your personal goals.

This may include an activity and exercise programme, a number of visits from a therapist or support worker, or the provision of equipment such as grab rails to make things easier.

Your plan will be tailored to your needs. Some people will need less support than others. It is important you play an active role in your rehabilitation and work with us to ensure you achieve your maximum independence.

This is not a domestic service, so we cannot help with tasks such as cleaning or shopping. If you need support with things like this, our community practitioners can put you in touch with your local authority social care team or voluntary sector partners who can help.

How long will I receive this service?

This is a short-term service aimed at achieving progress towards your personal recovery and rehabilitation goals. If longer term support needs are identified, your community practitioner will put you in touch with your local authority social care team.

Do I have to pay for this service?

No. Recovery and rehab at home is part of your free NHS care for as long as your community practitioner believes you are making progress.

If, once you have progressed as far as you can, you need longer term support, your community practitioner will put you in touch with your local authority social care team. They will assess your needs and discuss these with you and your family and carers. At this point a financial assessment may be made and you may need to pay towards any social care you receive.

How can family, friends and carers help?

The support of loved ones can be really helpful in your recovery. They can help you:

  • Manage your medicines safely
  • Eat regular, healthy meals
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Get in and out of bed safely
  • Get onto the toilet easily
  • Move around more
  • Have someone to talk to.