Appointments and planned care
Find out what you can do while waiting for a hospital appointment.
We understand that waiting for an appointment can be a worrying and frustrating time. Everything is being done to try to catch up on the backlog of appointments as quickly as possible. Priority for new appointments is given to people with symptoms like some forms of cancer and other urgent problems.
If you have been referred by your GP practice to an outpatient clinic, or if you are on the waiting list for an appointment or a surgical procedure, then the following advice may help.
See the latest waiting times for our local areaWe cannot request that an appointment is brought forward unless there is a clear clinical reason for doing so.
Contact your GP practice and book an appointment to discuss your concerns. Call 999 if your condition becomes life-threatening.
Please contact your hospital who should be able to help you.
You may also be offered direct access to a nurse or telephone helpline or secretary. This information should be on a letter that was sent to you after your most recent appointment.
Let your hospital know, so the appointment can be offered to someone else.
If you are not sure if an appointment is still required, please discuss this with your GP practice and they will help you to come to a decision.
While waiting for further assessment or treatment, there are things that you may be able to do to help yourself and improve your health.
Live Well - See the latest waiting times for our local areaAll NHS organisations have a Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) which is there to provide support and advice for patients. The PALS service for the hospitals in our area are as follows:
Call the North Bristol NHS Trust Patient Advice and Liaison Service on 0117 414 4569 or email The on-site office is currently closed to visitors.
Bristol Hospitals
Call the Patient Support and Complaints Team for Bristol Hospitals on 0117 342 1050 or email The on-site office is currently closed to visitors.
Weston General Hospital
Call the Patient Advice and Liaison Service for Weston General Hospital on 01934 647216 or email The on-site office is currently closed to visitors.
Call the Sirona Customer Care Service on 0300 124 5400 (8.30am to 4.30pm Monday-Friday) or email